
herbivoreWelcome to Herbivore . . .

The first thing you should know is that I am a foodie . . . an unashamed and unabashed foodie. I love the taste, textures, smells, and visual appeal of well made and well presented food.  I love knowing about food: where it comes from, its history, and how it is made. I have also been a Vegetarian for over 20 years, and some people seem to foolishly believe that these two things do not go together. It may be slightly more difficult to get flavor into a meal that does not depend on meat, but the pay-offs when that is done well, in my opinion, out weigh the simplicity of the “just add meat” school of cooking.

I spend hours scouring the web for new recipes, stealing ideas from my favorite food bloggers, such as Jerry James Stone, Heidi Swanson, and Karina “The Gluten Free Goddess”, or raptly watching the MasterChef franchise trying to figure how I can make that amazing dish they are cooking vegetarian without losing any of its visual or flavor appeal.

One, but certainly not the only, reason for my vegetarianism, is the environmental impact raising food animals has on our ecology. This as well as many other of our common practices are not sustainable for the future. There is so much research, development, and creativity that is happening right now to try to refine our human processes into something that will leave less of a footprint on this world. These ideas need to be nurtured and shared in order to gain momentum and acceptance in our society.

Both of these things are important to me, and I feel are important to share with others . . . so this is why I have started Herbivore.  I hope the inspiration and  information you find here feeds your body, sparks interesting thoughts, and one way or another warms your soul.

I look forward to hearing your responses and creating conversations . . .

– Jess “The Herbivore”

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